
The recommended way to install the engine is to get it as an NPM package. In some cases it's not possible, so a browser-ready bundle is available for download and add directly to a html file.

Install from NPM (recommended)

The engine is available as an NPM package called online-3d-viewer. The package itself is an ES6 module, so it can be used with several different bundlers.

You can install it by running the following command.

npm install online-3d-viewer

After installation you can import it like any other packages.

import * as OV from 'online-3d-viewer';

Download as browser-ready bundle

A bundle is available for every release. You need to download the zip file attached to the latest release. After that, copy the content of the zip file on your server, and include the main file on your site.

<script type="text/javascript" src="o3dv.min.js"></script>